about us

CrazyGrayGhost focuses on pets, baby & toddler, health & fitness, electronic gadgets and kitchen gadgets. We carry quality products from different brands guaranteed to meet your satisfaction and needs at competitive prices. We buy products from different suppliers with the best possible deals and quality. 

We care about our family, and we always give them the best without breaking the budget.  So, feel free to browse our shop.


CrazyGrayGhost just started in August 2018 and was created because of our love of pets and love to shop. And we launched our website this January 2019. We have three big dogs, one of them is a Weimaraner, who is called the gray ghost because of its fur silvery gray color who seem to disappear in dark areas, and their bubbly, crazy character, hence the name of our website.  Everyday when we shop for our daily needs, we also buy presents for our four-legged babies. Every shopping trip we always search for a better price and we believe that other families do the same, so why not be a medium to find better selling products with reasonable prices from the comfort of your home. With the technology trend, more and more parents shop online to avoid the hassle and aggravation, especially when buying things that you can’t find in one place. We at CrazyGrayGhost know the feeling of physically shopping, so we decided to create our company to help ease your busy schedule.

We welcome your input on how to improve our site and we will be continually making changes to enhance your shopping experience with exceptional customer service.